Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Pregnancy Update

This is for Jessica who pointed out that I have a baby growing inside me and I haven't said much about it. Sorry about that, I have been supper tired. In fact I have been taking an average of two naps a day, I sleep when Evelyn sleeps which doesn't leave a whole lot of time for blogging.

First of all, this pregnancy is a huge blessing, another miracle. We didn't even think we would be able to have another kid with all our fertility problems and then *poof * 9 moths after Evelyn two lines show up. We are so grateful that Heavenly Father is entrusting us with another precious soul and we are excited to watch our family grow.

So, I am now in my second trimester. I am 12 weeks and my estimated due date is March 18Th, that means that Evelyn will be 18 months when this new one shows up. That thought is a little intimidating, two babies at once, but I am supper excited that they will be so close together. Hopefully they will be great friends. I do keep running through all the things that two babies means...2 cribs, 2 sets of diapers, 2 highchairs, a double stroller... it can get a little over whelming but then I think about how much fun they will have together and I feel much better.

When I was nine weeks we got to see the baby on an ultra sound and it waved its little nubby arms at us, way cool! I would post the ultra-sound but we don't have a scanner and taking a picture of it just didn't work. So, next time you are at my house check it out, it is on the fridge.

This pregnancy is already so different from Evelyn. I am way more tired, probably because what ever energy is left from making this baby is spent on entertaining my other baby. I also have worst nausea problems. Every time I think of or look ate or attempt to eat any type of food I feel sick so I really don't eat a whole lot. Even when I can force my self to eat I don't get much down before I am over come with this yucky feeling and have to stop. I have actually lost 2 pounds in the last 2 weeks, which is really ironic because I have spent so long trying to lose that last 4 pounds from Evelyn to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight and nothing. Then I get pregnant and stop trying and start losing. Like I said, ironic. I don't really feel like I am pregnant yet so I get really frustrated when I can't eat or I want to sleep my day away but David has been very patient and that helps. Oh, that's another thing, I have no patience. My personality never really changed with Evelyn but I can already tell that this one is going to do a number on me.

OK, it is almost nap time. I will try to be more diligent in my blogging but no promises. Well, I'm off to bed.


Jessica Havican said...

Thank you very much for the update. Life gets hectic, but I still care to know how you're doing.

Crazy how different pregnancies do different things to you. I've always said Nap time = Fun time and apparantly you have a good excuse to do more of it. :-) Thank goodness you have a loving and understanding husband. I can't wait to meet the new little bundle of joy.

Didn't Evelyn just turn one? How was that? I loved the pictures of the zoo. How's she doing on the walking portion?

Oh and I know you were freaking out a little about costs, but don't forget about stores like Mom n'Me they get double strollers in quite often and in pretty good shape. They also get highchairs from time to time. Well...thanks again for the update. Tell everyone in your familia I said hi. Miss ya!!

Krysta Martinez said...

I am definitely lacking patience too! I definitely admire your ability to take care of Evelyn AND make it through your first trimester. I didn't think I'd make it without filing for divorce lol.

On another note, I found our Jetta repair manual and since I don't have a Jetta any more, I thought you and David might want it. Let me know!