Thursday, March 27, 2008

Happy 80th Grandma

(Great) Grandma Garcia turned 80 years old this month.

So we all went out to Black Angus for dinner.

As soon as Dave, Evelyn, and I walked in everyone went gahgah over Evelyn and Grandma got a little jealous. I quote, "She's not the one who just turned Eighty!"

Evelyn got to meet Aunt Janice and Uncle Chuck for the first time.

Here is Dave and AJ just chillin' and then there is Evelyn stickin' her tongue out at Aunt AJ.

For some reason they were all out of hi-chairs when we got there. We ended up getting one an hour later so in the mean time Evelyn ate on the floor under the table. She didn't seem to mind.

Me and My Love.

I absolutely love this picture! Grandma really wanted her wish to come true. She didn't want to leave any candles lit.
Happy Birthday Grandma!!

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